Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another book for PBI

Each year at PBI, there is an auction to raise money for scholarships. I've made a journal for the auction, specifically an OxBow-theme journal, since that's where PBI is being hosted this year.

The last time I went to OxBow, I brought home a booklet about the college which included some photos of the campus. I tore the photos from the booklet and tore a few strips from a Michigan map showing the Saugatuck region, and pieced them together on the covers. The endpapers are hand-marbled by me, and there is a folder pocket sewn into the textblock, made from the OxBow booklet as well. Also includes the bookmark, made from an OxBow information card.


.::Tuttie::. said...

I want to start a hobby of making books but don't know where to begin. I am looking for 'classes' as reading it doesn't do it for me? any suggestions?

I saw a previous post about some classes but the registration had already passed. :(

MyHandboundBooks said...

Online videos are a great resouce - I agree with Rob. But if you can find a class, that is the best way. Where are you located, Tuttie?

Rob, I do both. If I'm in a hurry, then I glue them on! But if I want the book to be a little extra special then I'll sew my own.

.::Tuttie::. said...

In northern NJ, never more than a train ride away from NYC.

that is true about youtube videos, do you have anyone that you suggest?

Velma Bolyard said...
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Velma Bolyard said...

rhonda, you are so kind--what a great donation!

MyHandboundBooks said...

Tuttie, you should check out the New York Centre for Book Arts!

thanks Velma :)

MyHandboundBooks said...

Tuttie, have a look at this list of resources - some of these are written articles and there are some videos - might be a good place to start:

MyHandboundBooks said...

Oh, even better, on that same blog, there are several posts with lists of tutorials on various subjects - search for the label "tutorial" -

.::Tuttie::. said...

thank you soo much Rhonda! it pays to ask! I was just stalking your blog for a a while. I'll be a very busy and happy girl.

Flyover Pilgrim said...

Hello, I just found your blog this evening. It's lovely!

I am a book lover from my earliest childhood, and I have decided to turn my creative sights on book making. I was so excited to see that you mentioned Ox-Bow! I am attending a class there this August, on bookbinding!

I'm glad I found your blog. Your work is beautiful!

[Flyover Pilgrim]