So, the covers of these journals are made with small scraps of leather that have been matched and colour coordinated, adhered to a larger piece of leather, trimmed to fit a prepared textblock, then stitched.

The paper used for the pages has all come from the paper recycling bin beside my work table. That includes whatever I found in there, like papers from the computer printer, envelopes, sketchbook covers, paper leftover from other projects, etc. The result is an interesting mix of papers in each book, suitable for art journals or any writer who likes to get creative while journaling. Closures on these journals are made from either strips of leather found in the scrap pile and/or reclaimed buttons. I made eight of these books last week, and sadly, there has been no discernible difference in the size of Leatherscrap Mountain.

beautiful! how waste becomes un-wasted! brillentxlynda
those are gorgeous rhonda!
Tese sre absolutely gorgeous! Don't bemoan the size of your stash, just think how many more beauties like these you can make!
These are beautiful, Rhonda! It’s great you are able to recycle and create something so gorgeous at the same time! Maybe some of the remaining bits can become straps or closures for other books.
Very cool! I love journals with all different papers, they have such character before you even put a pen to them. And you've made such a fabulous use of your leather scraps. Love it!
Waste not and these want nothing! Amazing, Rhonda! You continually inspire.
Wow. Absolutely fabulous. Lesley
i love these!
thanks for all the positive comments lynda, elizabeth, tammy, gina, pocketsize, usefulbooks, Blue, and jessica :-)
This is the most inspiring pile of anything that I have seen in a long long time....besides the piles in my own studion of course,,,,what you did with them is gorgeous....lovely work!
very cool!
Hi :D I've been checking your blog (while wearing my awesome notebook pendant!). You do absolutely awesome work :D Just wanted to ask what kind of sewing machine you have? I'm in the market for a new one, and I'm trying round up some preferences.
thanks Cynnie and Deb!
and thanks Trudy! I just use a normal sewing machine which is about 20 years old, I think it's a Kenmore, nothing special about it, though!
Wow! You are amazing! Is there anything you can't recycle and turn beautiful!? Good job and thanks for sharing!
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