Sunday, March 28, 2010

Marbled Papers

A few more examples of my marbled papers from my last marbling session. I did get past the stones a few times. Starting at the top, these are a "diagonal stripe" with antique spots and a Spanish wave, then the "cathedral" pattern, some sort of "feather" pattern, a "nonpareil" pattern, and a "Gothic" pattern. These patterns may have other names, but these are the names with which I am familiar.


Billie said...

Hi Rhonda

Your papers are stunning,really beautiful. Do they take a long time to make, I've always fancied trying marbling.

Sorry I've not been by for a while.

Best wishes

Billie :)

MyHandboundBooks said...

Thanks Billie!
It can be time consuming, yes. There's a lot of preparation that takes time and a lot of clean up that takes time, etc, aside from the time involved in actually marbling the papers! And I don't have a space dedicated to marbling, so I have to pack everything away between sessions. (I'd highly recommend finding a workshop before trying it for the first time)