After doing a million of these books, I made a fantastic discovery. After making the holes in my sections, absentmindedly I also made holes in the cover...rather than slots. After just a little consideration, about three seconds, I decided to try it anyway. So I used the same sewing process, just going through holes rather than slots. And, I sewed two sections through each row of holes. I know it looks the same at first glance, but it creates (nearly) straight lines on the spine. Of course, you say, that is simple enough. But I was amazed, astounded, aghast. Now this clean, strong binding that I love so much, is also symmetrical! This picture shows the book sewn through holes (top) and another one sewn through slots.

I suppose I haven't truly discovered anything; I'm sure somebody has done this before me. Actually, I just went back to Smith's book and he does make a brief mention of doing this binding with pierced sewing stations. He doesn't elaborate that suggestion at all, but I suppose this is what he was talking about.
So that was my most recent bookbinding discovery and I love it, I must do some more of these. This binding isn't great with really soft leather because the slots tend to get distorted, but using the pierced sewing stations would probably work very well. Off to try another one...

Beautiful! I love those happy accidents that reveal things we would never have thought of otherwise. Its what creativity is all about I think, having the guts to go with something even though it may seem 'wrong', just going with the flow and discovering the unexpected. I love your books, and thank you for sharing this insight!
Isn't it wonderful when you make a discovery like this? I always think that it must sound silly to others, but I always feel a bit like an explorer finding a new land.
Congrats on the discovery, it's always nice to tweak a style of binding.
Bindining to me is all about trying new techniques or materials.
thanks for the pats on the back!
Oh my wow golly -!! I never ever thought of doing it that way and using the holes instead of the slots!! I learned this binding from susan mills a while ago and just have loved making books that way!Thanks for this very very useful tip!
Hi , this is the most useful site ever! im a first year printmaking student at uni and my teachers are so impressed with my books , thanks so much for giving us this wonderful resource!
Where do you get your leather from?
Fellow Binder
There's lots of leather on Ebay - I've got a lot of nice leather there.
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