Sunday, March 29, 2015

Book #88

Girdle Book

This is an example of a girdle book. At least, this is my attempt at making a journal that looks like a girdle book. In this case, I know it is not constructed as they would have been in the 15th century. (Let's just say, mine is a casual interpretation of the binding.)

Historically, girdle books were often religious texts, fully bound in leather with a long tail of leather extending from the bottom of the book. Sometimes it was just carried by hand, or the tail could be tied into a knot and tucked under a belt (i.e. the girdle), to be carried hands-free. Hands-free technology.... The book would be hanging upside-down. When the owner wanted to use the book, he could just reach down and bring the book up and it would be upside-right, and it never has to be detached from his belt. More about girdle books.

This girdle book journal is for sale in my Etsy shop.

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