Until recently, I was only marbling small sheets of paper, about 9x12. People often asked if I could do larger sheets but my equipment prevented me from going bigger. Last time I was marbling, though, I found a container that I could use to try some larger sheets. I ruined several sheets immediately - switching from laying down a 9x12 piece of paper, to a 16x24 piece of paper, was not an instant transition! Suddenly it felt like I'd never done it before and I had to learn the technique all over again. After some practice, though, I did successfully produce several large sheets.
These images are scans of the larger sheets - the scans show only a 9x12 area, though, since that's the size of my scanner bed.
That noise you just heard was me in NYC squealing with glee. I am so glad that you are using larger sizes.
These are gorgeous! Like works of art! :)
Yes, I am excited for this! I know the 9x12 is limiting for larger projects. Glad to know I can actually consider marbled paper in the future!
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