When I was at PBI this year, a small group of us decided to organize a recurring book swap. We agreed to get the book, "More Making Books by Hand" and work our way through the projects in this book. So for each swap, we are making a small edition so that we can send a book to each person in the group and we'll get a book from each person in return. And they are all miniature books, so nothing larger than 3" in any direction. The first swap was completed a couple months ago and now I'm working on the second project, I need to have the edition done by the end of the month. But here's what the first swap looks like - this is one book from each person - mine is the second from the left, with the green and brown marbled paper on the cover.

They all have content too, since we're giving each project a theme and this time we were supposed to do something that would be a self portrait, without using a picture of ourselves. The results were incredibly wide ranging! Much fun. Can't wait to see the results of the next swap.
Those minature books are terrific and interesting to see the variety from everyone. Love your 2010 planners...
thanks Merry!
Very cool Halloween Books! Very hip and vintage-cool. Thanks for posting.
thanks Katy :)
Nice 2010 planners. Thanks for sharing.
Rhonda all your work is very beautiful...
thanks Bapsy and BreitlingReplica!!
salvaging those halloween images worked great :D always love to see what you are up to... you have an amazing talent.
take care.
thanks Sara!
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