The signatures as they were when I got them from the print shop:

Sewn with endpapers, and backed:

Boards cut and sanded (by hand, i might add, i do not have a board cutter):

Some of the cases:

The whole thing is now on hold, though. I will be heading off to PBI soon so this set of books will have to wait for me. When I get back, I'll be taking the cases to have some text embossed on the spines...then after that, I'll put them together and eventually they will all have their own Japanese-style wrap-around cases too...
wow! that's quite the project you have going there! Its neat to see the whole process happening.
can't wait to see what they'll look like.
I agree great to see the whole process. Curious as to why you sand your boards?
thanks offthehooks and merry :)
Merry, I sand the edges and corners a little bit - just so they are smooth with slightly rounded corners - very slightly - just a quick pass of the sandpaper across each corner. I think it makes the boards neater and when you cover them. The paper/cloth doesn't encounter any sharp edges or pointy corners when you are covering the boards, so it can wrap itself more comfortably around the sides and corners i think.
This is so neat! Do you take the covers to a printer to do the embossing? I never considered how that was done before. Thanks for showing us the different stages - I for one find it fascinating!
Thanks so much for sharing the process so far with us, Rhonda :)
As an avid book "reader" I find it fascinating what goes into making a book itself!
Shelley, yes I am having the covers embossed at a printshop. It is possible to do it by hand, but I don't have the tools or equipment and am not ready to invest!
Hi Jody! I'll post some more about this in a few weeks so ya'll can see what happens next :D
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