Monday, October 20, 2008

Prop Books

Library scene from The Name of the Rose

I've been having fun going through the links being posted over at the Book Arts Forum. The entire thread can be seen here: Books from Movies

Some of the highlights -
Jase's Books - replica of the Monster Book from the Harry Potter movie

Jase's Books - replica of spell book from Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Ross MacDonald - National Treasure, Book of Secrets

Ross MacDonald - The Ledged of Zorro

Ross MacDonald - Dr Frankenstein's diaries


Anonymous said...

You should check out Storybox. They are great for Kids aged 3-6 and have a drawing competition on this month!

Anonymous said...

We really do need to extend the lexicon beyond the overworked "wow!"
Until! Thanks for the links.

Mona said...

Hi!You books are lovely. I have not found the time to try the paste paper though. But I will!! And I will let you know what happens!
Thanks, Mona

MyHandboundBooks said...

yes, i agree with you, moreidlethoughts!

mona, thank you! definitly try some paste papers, they are lots of fun :)