A few months ago I was supposed to attend a workshop on making miniature books. The workshop was canceled, though. So I got mini book instructions from an Etsy seller called dingo and just finally got around to trying them tonight. They are so small that I lost one under my bone folder; couldn't find it anywhere and was beginning to think that I must have accidentally inhaled it...but then I found it. Phew. The instructions were great, very easy for me to follow so once I adjusted my thinking to accommodate for such tiny measurements and precise folding, this was quite fun.
Here DH agreed to model the books for me:

WOW, those aren't mini - their teeny tiny! They are so cute! I'm amazed at your work.
Outstanding Rhonda.. gorgeous baby books, so beautiful!
aw thanks melissa and pegg :)
Those are so cute, I rushed over to dingo's shop and found that the pattern was not listed.... you have been bad for my paypal account with all the things I've been buying after you've showed it here!
I've started making blizzard books like a crazy woman!
Rhonda, these are beautiful. I have some tiny books as earrings (from NZ) and always intended to make myself some but now that I've seen yours, I'm all keen again. That's the great thing about your site, it's full of inspiration.
thanks kiley and carol!
these were a lot of fun and i'm so pleased with how they turned out too.
(kiley, dingo didn't have the instructions listed when i went to buy them either but i just convod him and he listed it for me real quick!)
Wowwwwwwww now that's mini ! They're gorgeous!
Oh are those ever adorable!!! Love it!
Wow. I think I just spent a good hour and a half reading through your tutorials and older posts looking at your work. I just happened upon your blog here, and I found it curious since I have a new interest in bookbinding. In fact, I just set my first bound book up to dry tonight. Your blog is very instructional and it inspires me to try more ideas!! I will definitely be watching out for more! Thank you!
so glad you found your way here, yoha_ahoy!
WOW!! From that first picture I was thinking mini meant maybe 3" x 2" but then with the picture that put the size into perspective. WOW!! That's amazing!
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