The award rules:
- Write a post with links to 5 blogs (i'm only doing 4!) that make your day
- Acknowledge the post of the award giver
- Tell the award winners that they've won by commenting on their blogs
Diane, Much of a Muchness
Diane makes books too and I love checking her blog to see what she is doing. Her books always look wonderful and pretty and so well done! She also tends toward humour in her posts so reading her blog can be very entertaining and often makes my day :-)
Nat, WireBeadsCreations
Nat is a jewelry designer who has just starting making some pieces using scrap leather (leftover from my books!) and she recently posted on her blog about this and included a super nice bit about me and my books. That really made my day!
Kiley, Kiley's Handmade Books
Kiley is a bookbinder and does a fabulous array of book structures. She made my day recently too when I was reading an interview with her where she mentioned how much she liked my work! How nice, thanks Kiley =D
Pegg, Five Forty at Home
Pegg is a weaver and a jewlery designer and a great cook. She posts fabulous recipes on her blog - like the sweet and spicy chicken recently, that made my day too!
And I've been tagged...
Carol, of Barnacle Goose paperworks recently tagged me and i am supposed to post here seven things about me. These are the rules:
- Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you
- Post the rules on your blog.
- Post 7 facts about yourself on your blog.
- Tag 7 people and link to them.
- Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
So let's see if I can come up with seven interesting things to tell you.
- I'm a stay-at-home mommy; I have a little boy who is 3.
- My favorite colour is...um, actually I don't have a favorite colour.
- I have a masters degree in library and information science but haven't worked in a library since I graduated.
- I grew up on a Dairy farm.
- I like cooking, but I don't really like baking.
- I've had grey hair since high school!
- My bookbinding studio has wood paneling on the walls.
I'm going to tag the following bloggers to keep this going:
Ha! You caught me right as I was posting the new bunny cards, and I thought well if I don't do this now I will never ever will ♥
I am hoping to pop on to the forum today as well
It is truly a tagging festival in the etsy community, no? Very fun!
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